Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Skin Care: Coffee Sugar Bath Scrub DIY


Today I decided to get a little crafty and try some new DIY (Do it Yourself) projects while I waited for my boyfriend to get off work. I was on Pinterest when I found this really cool recipe for a DIY Coffee Sugar Bath Scrub. I love coffee so this caught my eye very fast. Here is what I did!

Coffee Bath Sugar Scrub:

What you will need-

-1/2 Cup of Fresh Coffee Grounds of your favorite coffee!
-1/2 of Brown Sugar
-1 Tbs of Coconut Oil
-1/4 Cup of Olive Oil
-Mixing Spoon
-Mason Jar

How to Make-

-Mix Coffee, Brown Sugar, Coconut Oil and Olive Oil together in a mixing bowl 
-After mixing you may add more olive oil if the mix is not "paste like"
-Take your mix and spoon it into a mason jar
-Take your mix into the shower
-Rub your scrub in circular motion all over your body (even face) 
-Rinse well

This recipe is super easy and smells amazing! The benefits of using this scrub on your body has a huge list starting from a natural moisturizer to help the decrease the appearance of cellulite! After using this scrub your skin will literally be glowing! I just used it and wow I look like a brazilian model. The coffee in the scrub adds caffeine to your skin which tightens and firms the skin. You will notice after using this scrub you will be super awake from the caffeine in the coffee. I ditched my long process of putting lotion on my body after the shower because this took care of it all! I am in love with this scrub! Try it out and see what it does for you:) 

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