Monday, July 8, 2013

Denver Mission Trip


In exactly 6 days I will be leaving for Denver, Colorado for a mission trip in West Denver.  I am excited to go but I am also really nervous and kinda having second thoughts. I have always wanted to do mission work and I am excited that I am going on this trip. I am hoping that if this trip is very eye opening and something that really touches my heart then I am planning on doing bigger trips to countries such as Nicaragua and Mexico. My reason for having second thoughts is that Denver is my favorite city on this Earth. I plan on living out in Denver sometime in the future or whenever God calls me there. What is giving me second thoughts is that do I really want to go to my favorite city and see people struggle to survive?. The list of what I can't do while I am doing mission work is beyond what  I thought it would be. I am more scared then excited to go to Denver now. I know I am doing a good thing and this is something I want to do; I just am getting the butterflies right now. While on this trip I am only allowed to take 5 min showers, sleep on the floor and not use my cell phone till night time. This will be a great challenge for me but if I am to fully understand where the homeless is coming from I must live as if I were them. I will be serving with a team that I have been assigned to and we will go out during the day and do our mission work. Part of our work is serving in homeless shelters, working in soup kitchens and working in the local food bank. The more I talk about it the more I know that what I am doing is what God has guided me to do. I can't wait to come back home and see how much I have changed and become a better person because I have done work that God has led me to do. It says right in the bible that we have a duty to help the homeless. Over the course of next week I will not be writing  any blog posts because obviously I will be gone! Wish me luck :)


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