Monday, August 5, 2013

Health: Earl Grey Tea


Recently my mother has become obsessed with Earl Grey Tea. I decided to try it this morning and WOW IT'S DELICIOUS! I knew that tea was very good for our health so I became curious as to what the health benefits of this special tea was:) Here we go! 

Let's start with a little history lesson...shall we
Where did Earl Grey come from? The story goes like this: Earl Grey, former Prime Minister, sent a diplomatic mission to China. One of his envoys saved the life of a Chinese Mandarin. As a thank-you, the Mandarin sent a special tea to Earl Grey, a blend of citrus flavors that made the Prime Minister very very happy. The blend soon became popular in Britain!

The benefits of Earl Grey go beyond the taste. The tea also has medicinal properties that make it a favorite among many.

Earl Grey tea has proven to have many health benefits. Below is some of the benefits that I have found!
Antioxidant. Black tea is a natural and powerful antioxidant, one that has been used for centuries to help promote good health. One cup per day fights off free radicals in the body, which then help stave off things like infection or cancer.
Anti-DepressantFeeling down? Bergamot is often used to treat depression, and it is a key ingredient of Earl Grey tea. In addition, the warmth of the tea can be soothing, so you get a double-whammy of depression-fighting goodness with every sip.
Fever Reducer. The power of bergamot is also proven to reduce fever, as well as help with things like stomach upset and the flu. Having a cup of this tea when you are feeling under the weather can help.
Relaxant. Sometimes the simple act of drinking tea can be relaxing. Fortunately, the caffeine content of Earl Grey is minimal, so it won't keep you up or make you feel jittery. Some types of Earl Grey have lavender added, and that is known to promote relaxation and serenity.
Disinfectant. Bergamot oil is a natural disinfectant, one that can help fight mild infections. This is especially true if you have some sort of infection in your mouth or throat.
Oral Health Improvement. The antiseptic properties in Earl Grey tea can help freshen your breath and keep your gums healthy. Though drinks from black tea leaves can sometimes stain your teeth, taking good care to brush thoroughly after drinking it can help eliminate that side effect.
Healthy Coffee Alternative. Those who love their coffee but don't like the thought of what that coffee might do to their body can find Earl Grey as a healthy alternative. It's all-natural, and better yet, it has about half the caffeine as a regular cup of coffee. So you get the jolt without the jitters.
Digestive Aid. Earl Grey tea has long been believed to improve digestion. In fact, it has been used often as a way to relieve indigestion, nausea and colic. If you have any intestinal problems, Earl Grey might help. It can even fight urinary tract infections.

I will definitely will be drinking more of this tea now! It's super delicious and I can't get enough of it! I drink it with my Keurig! 

Have a Great Day and drink your tea! ;)


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