Saturday, September 20, 2014

My Senior Pictures!

Here are a few of my High School Senior Pictures :)

To be continued :)

Photos by Melissa Kyle

Mexi Corn Dip Recipe


If any of you follow my Pinterest you would see that I post pins about Mexi Corn Dip ALL THE TIME! It really is one of the best chip dips I have ever had. The first time I had this dip is when my former neighbor would make it. Here is the recipe on how I make it!

What you need:
- Container of Cream Cheese
-Mexi Corn (canned)
-Black Beans (canned)
- 1/2 Rotel
- Extra Corn is desired
- A cup of shredded cheddar cheese
- 4 table spoons of Mayo
- 4 table spoons of sour cream
- DASH of cayenne pepper. 
- Bag of Fritos Chips

How to make: 
 It's so simple!
Start with cream cheese and then add all of the ingredients! Don't forget to drain the black beans, mexi corn, and corn!  

If you want more of a spice kick, add more cayenne pepper.

All done! Now take some Fritos and dig in!!! 


Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Life Update!


FINALLY I'M A SENIOR!!!! YAY! So many crazy things have happened in the last month and I feel like sharing it!

I was accepted into early admission into College! I was admitted to K-State's Kinesiology program and I will start my dual major in human nutrition and exercise science in the Fall of 2015 :)

I started a new job! I work at Sunflower Bank and it's the best job ever! The people I work with are wonderful! They are super flexible with schedules so they let me have Wednesday and Friday off so I could go to church and school football games! How awesome is that?!

I started my "Last First Day of School" I have some really cool classes and I even got to take a pic with Matthew 1 year apart! We have changed a lot! He comes and sees me on my first days of school every year :) 

Matthew Turned 18 this Summer! He is legally and adult and I couldn't be more proud! He celebrated with the purchase of his first shot gun! That's my boy:) but seriously....he is so handsome. 

Today was our first day at Youth Group as SENIORS! We celebrated in purple fashion :)

THIS ALL HAPPENED IN 1 MONTH! I can't wait for the rest of the year! 270 days till graduation! I take my Senior Photos on Friday so I will be posting them here soon! 


Wednesday, July 30, 2014



I LOVE GROCERY SHOPPING! I get to pick out yummy food that I get to stuff my face with all week:) I made breakfast yesterday and I have to admit, it turned out WAY better than I thought it would! Heres the recipe...

What you need...
-Organic Honey Oats Cereal
-Organic Vanilla Almond Milk
-Fresh, cut strawberries
-Organic Cut Bananas
-Bowl...(Kinda Obvious)

How to make...
-Start making your cereal by starting with the Organic Honey Oats and then Pouring Desired Milk into bowl. 
-Cut up desired amount of Strawberries and Bananas and layer on top.

THATS IT! You get a sugary taste from the fruit and Vanilla Almond milk! No more frosted flakes for this girl! Try it!


Saturday, July 19, 2014

My Starbucks Favorites!


MMMMMM I will never turn down Starbucks! Many of my friends make fun of me for having the "Starbucks App" on my phone! I have done many Starbucks Drink reviews and they have become my  most popular posts! I thought I would jot down some of my favorite drinks that you might be able to try!

1. Venti Iced Passion Tea Lemonade SWEETENED! 
     -This is my ultimate Summer drink! In fact, I'm drinking it right now! It's a very wallet friendly drink with a Venti costing about $3.50. My favorite thing about this drink is the color! Its a pretty shade of Pink and I feel pretty when I drink it! I'm crazy!

2. Venti Iced White Chocolate Mocha with 2 pumps of Sugar Free Caramel Syrup.
     -If you are looking for a drink that's healthy and affordable then this is NOT THE ONE! This drink ranks high on the price chart with totaling around $8.00! This is my special occasion drink! Don't be fooled by the Sugar Free Caramel Syrup, A venti iced white chocolate mocha has a whooping 6 pumps of regular white chocolate syrup! This brings the total calorie count to around 600! YIKES! Good thing it's just a special occasion drink! I love how well this drink blends together with the ice!

3. Tall Soy Cafe Misto 
     -This is a new item on my menu! I started getting this drink with Soy milk to cut down on my dairy intake plus it's fun to say SOY! With hot drinks I can barely make it through a tall with the coffee still hot so a tall is plenty for me! It's half milk and half coffee!

4. Grande Blonde Misto with 6 Pumps of Sugar Free Vanilla.
     -My Aunt introduced this drink to me when I was visiting her a few weeks ago. I feel this has more flavor than a regular misto and I'm all for bursts of flavor! I was able to finished this in a tall so I bumped up to a Grande :) I'm moving up in the world!

This are my favorite drinks! Try them if you haven't, but if you have keep on enjoying them!


Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Recipe: Egg, Avocado, and Oatmeal Toast.


It's SUMMER! Everybody let's loose and slacks on everything but, you don't have to slack on your eating choices. I'm not saying that you can't eat at a BBQ or have some birthday cake! I'm saying that you can still live a healthy lifestyle and splurge a bit. As many of you know, I am a huge fan of Pinterest! I found this recipe on Pinterest and I decided to give it a try! here is my new favorite HEALTHY but DELICIOUS breakfast!

What You Need:

-Whole Grain Toast or Oatmeal Toast
-An Avocado

How to Make:
-Toast a piece of toast in the toaster or toaster oven
-Fry an Egg in a skillet on Medium-High Heat
-Cut open the avocado take out the whole thing.
-Start Layering in this order...
     -Small amount of butter
     -Either Smashed avocado or cut avocado
     -Fried Egg
     -Sprinkle of Pepper


This breakfast is incredible and it fills you up fast with just one piece of toast! Its really good for portion and calorie control! Try it :)


Sunday, June 1, 2014

Recipe: Healthy Banana Ice Cream!


     School is finally over! I'm now a senior in high school and I'm starting what is supposed to be one of the most fun times in my life (we will see about that). To me, school is very stressful and causes lots of anxiety, but I have a better feeling about this year. As most of you know, my blog is a combo of my life and how I enjoy it with healthy eating, travel, etc. My summer read is a book called Body and Soul: A Girl's Guide to a Fun, Fit, and Fabulous Life.  The author is Bethany Hamilton who is the surfer who lost her arm in a shark attack when she was thirteen. Her story inspired the movie Soul Surfer and since then she became a professional surfer, newly married, and wrote her new book.  This book combines healthy eating, workouts, and devotionals all in one book! Bethany lives in Hawaii and many of the recipes in her book are very Hawaiian (which I LOVE!). One of her dessert recipes in Banana Ice Cream! I have made it myself and its open for tweaking so you can make it fit your personal taste.


-Vanilla Almond Milk
- Frozen Banana
- Almonds (optional)
- Coconut Shavings (optional)

How to Make:

Puree Frozen, Chopped Banana in a Blender while slowly adding almond milk. DO NOT ADD ICE! 
Top with almonds or coconut shavings in desired. You can add any kind of frozen fruit you want! 

See how easy that is!? and its really good! I've thought about topping it with Dark Chocolate! 
I'll see you around this Summer as I show you more fun ways to be healthy! 


Recipe Taken from Bethany Hamilton's Body and Soul: A Girl's Guide to a Fun, Fit, and Fabulous Life.  Copyright: 2014

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Prom 2014


Here are some pictures from my junior prom! We had a blast! 

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Travel: How to survive 10+ Hours in Economy


I recently just returned home from Europe and the flights were very long!!! Sitting in economy seats are not always the most comfortable or entertaining places to be on long flights but here is a tip list of what will help you survive long flights! 

Prep your entertainment.  Charge up all your devices.  Download movies or seasons of your favorite shows (I highly recommend The White Queen and Continuum).  Stock up on paper and books on your e-readers, as internationally departing flights don’t allow the use of small devices yet.  Invest in a quality pair of headphones.  And don’t plan on getting any work done on your laptop – there’s no such thing as elbow room.
Get comfortable.  Change into a super comfortable outfit before you board.  I opt for stretchy leggings (Lysseare my favorites), a cotton tank top and long-sleeved tee, a lightweight blazer or cardigan, and compression socks.  Layers, baby.  I also carry a pair of cashmere socks if my feet get cold (common for window seat afecionados) and a scarf to use a blanket.
How to actually get some sleep.  Speaking from personal experience here – alcohol will only make your sleep worse on a long haul flight.  Do.  Not.  Drink.  Booze.  Chamomile tea actually proved quite helpful in lulling me to sleep, as did the world’s best eyemask and neck pillow.  I use the airline provided pillow as a lower back support, my own neck pillow to cradle my head, and used my steeped chamomile teabags (wrapped in tissues) as compresses for my eyes before I slipped the eyemask on top.  The skin under your eyes is the most delicate, and this tip significantly helps keep it hydated in flight.
Quench your thirst.  I purchase the largest bottle of water available before boarding the flight, and will usually have it refilled by the flight attendants during the flight.  Hydration is everything.  I try to avoid heavy foods (read – bread, rice, meat) in flight as well – you’re not burning many calories by sitting on your bum for hours on end.  Pre-ordering the strict vegetarian/vegan option is key – the food is usually decent (and vegetable-rich) and it’s served before everyone else gets their meals.  As for snacks, I’ll bring along vegetable sticks, fresh fruit (NOT bananas – the smell is too strong), and almonds.
Stay healthy.  Planes are incubators for viruses, and I’m all about prevention.  I wipe down my arm rests, seat belt fasteners, tray table, window pull, and wall next to my seat with these sanitizing towels.  I’ll add an EBOOSTto my water bottle after I’ve woken up for a boost of vitamins.  And I ALWAYS use a paper towel to open the bathroom door from the inside as I’m leaving.
Pre-pack THIS.  An in-flight toiletry case with the basics (toothbrush and toothpaste, your eyeglassesface wash and lotioneye creamfacial spraylip balmhand cream, a spare set of contacts) is something you should have with you on any flight longer than 5 hours.  Mine is an old United BusinessFirst toiletry kit, but you can use any waterproof-lined bag (or even a Ziploc baggie) to make one of your own.  I’ll also throw some makeup (concealer, powder, eyeliner, mascara, and eyebrow pencil) into it.  This case, along with my tablets and headphones, stay in the seatback pocket in front of me.
Pack it best.  If you don’t read anything else, READ THIS.  I keep a Baggu pre-packed in my travel bag.  Prior to boarding, I’ll put everything I’ll need during the flight inside it – my iPad and Kindle, headphones, snacks, water, my in-flight toiletry kit, neck pillow, eyemask – and place the Baggu in the space in front of me.  My other bags go in the overhead bin, thus yielding more leg room AND with everything easily accessible.  To prevent items from falling out of the Baggu, tie it closed using your scarf.  Also, lie a magazine flat at the bottom of the bag, to ensure it stays upright.  There are few things worse than rummaging through your bag, looking for something lodged at the very bottom, while jabbing your neighbor.  Being in the middle seat may be one of them.

Monday, March 24, 2014

My World of Adventures


WOW I haven't wrote a post in a long time! So much has happened in the last month that I haven't even had the time to sit at my computer and write it all down! In the last month my family and I have been planning our trip to Europe and making sure everything is set in place. I want to sit here and write down everything that happened on the trip in full detail but that would take so long! 

What I took away/learned from my time over seas is that I appreciate my life so much. 

1. God has truly blessed me and I hope I can show him how thankful I am that he has blessed me with the life he has. 

2. I love the country I live in. I came back home and I couldn't be any more proud of where I'm from.

3. I have amazing respect for different cultures of the world. Many things in Europe were different than how we do things here in America but I embraced them. 

4. The world is a HUGE PLACE! How God made all of this in 7 days is unreal. 

5. Know how much something costs before you buy it!

6. Don't bring an Apple to the U.S Border and Customs. 

7. Everything in Paris is HUGE! I always say this when describing Paris but I felt like I was walking through Asgard. 

8. Wifi is your best friend!

9. The other side of the World really feels like a whole new World. Once again the World is BIG

10. Learning more than once language is a very good things. I has to watch TV in French for 9 days. Talk about a challenge! 

I have many more things I could talk about! I'm trying to learn to live in the moment so I can enjoy things more. I spent less time taking pictures so I could enjoy the moment. It really worked for me! I'll have more posts on my adventures and how I pack, how to travel light, etc! 


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Recipe: Barefoot Moscato Boozecake


I had lots of fun making this "boozecake" lol! This recipe is a french vanilla cake that is made with barefoot moscato! YUM! 


What you need:
-Bundt Pan
-Vanilla or Strawberry Cake mix
-White Frosting
-1 package of instant vanilla pudding
-Barefoot Moscato 3/4 cup
-4 eggs
-Vegetable Oil 3/4 cup
-Ground Nutmeg 1 teaspoon
-Mixing Bowl
-Electric Mixer


-Preheat oven to 350 Degrees
-Grease and flour the Bundt Pan
-Combine cake mix, eggs, vanilla pudding mix, nutmeg, Barefoot Moscato, and Vegetable Oil in a mixing bowl.
-Beat with Electric Mixer till batter is smooth 
-Pour into floured and greased Bundt Pan
-Bake at #50 Degrees for 50 mins. 
-Let sit for 30 mins
-Add 3 Tablespoons of Barefoot Moscato to the Frosting
-Frost cake, Add strawberries if you desire. 

*Alcohol was purchased by a legal adult over the age of 21*

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Recipe: Detox Water


As you might know, I have an obsession with Pinterest! I was looking around one day and I found this recipe for Detox Water! This caught my attention! Basically what this water does is flush out the impurities in your liver. Drinking water is the KEY to weight loss so this recipe is the mother of all drinks to help with weight loss. Here is my basic recipe:

Karissa's Detox Water:

1-2 Lemons
1-2 Limes
Half a Cucumber (sliced)
7-8 sliced Strawberries
7-8 Leaves of Mint (optional)

Mix in a pitcher of water and keep in fridge.
Serve for 1-2 days. 

Now how exactly is this drink a Detox?

-Lemons and Limes removes impurities and alkalize in the body. They also aid in digestion and boost your immune system.

-Cucumber contains anti-inflammatory properties and rehydrate the body. 

-Strawberries add antioxidants to the body and give a great flavor.

Here's some tips!:
-Pour the water first then add the ingredients
-Steep over night in the fridge for the perfect flavor
-Don't add and over whelming amount of ice

This Detox Water is wonderful for maintaining that flat belly and helping weight loss! Go try it!


Sunday, January 12, 2014

15 Minute No Excuses Workout


I seem to be finding myself lacking the motivation to workout lately and to be honest it's driving me crazy! I just came off of Winter Break from school where I ate tons of food and laid on the couch more than I should have. I'm slowly working my way back into the groove of things and my first step was my Detox Water (recipe to follow in later post). I love fitness model Amanda Adams and her philosophy on fitness. She understand that going out with your friends and having a drink, eating that birthday cake, and having pizza on football night is realistic. She helps me find a healthy and balanced way to go about on life and I LOVE THAT! She has this 15 min stair workout that she does when she lacks the motivation to go to the gym. I am going to try this but I want you to try it with me! This workout is taken from her blog.

**Jog in place (or around your living room/kitchen for 2min) Stretch full body for 2min**
20 Body Weight Squats (butt barely touches stair)
Jog in place for 15 sec
10 Jump Squats
Screen Shot 2013-12-24 at 12.57.17 PM
20 Right Leg Static Lunges  (back leg on stair)
20 Left Leg Static Lunges (back leg on stair)
Jog for 15 sec
10 Split Lunge Jumps
Jog for 15 sec
Screen Shot 2013-12-24 at 12.35.46 PM
10 Elevated Push Ups (feet or knees on stair)
10 Tricep Dips (hands on stair, don’t let butt touch stair)
Quick Feet on stairs for 15 sec
Screen Shot 2013-12-24 at 1.03.15 PM

Tricep Push Ups (5 pulses, then pause at top, repeat 3x)
10 Jumping Jacks
16 Shoulder Taps (these are quick. Focus on your shoulders)
10 Jumping Jacks
Screen Shot 2013-12-24 at 1.08.12 PMFinish the workout with two, 30 second rounds of my favorite Ab Exercises and 3 sprints up the stairs (walking down). Then give yourself a high five!


Sunday, January 5, 2014

Starbuck's Secret Menu: The Frappuccino

Happy New Year!

Now I'm sure all of you Starbucks lovers have heard of the Starbucks Secret Menu! It's a menu of drinks that you can have made that is not on the menu! I have a few that I would like to share with you! This post is just some of the Frappuccinos! The rest are secret hehe! 
*** indicates my favorites


Cotton Candy Frappuccino: Vanilla Bean Frappuccino with Raspberry Syrup

Smore's Frappuccino: Java Chip Frappuccino with a pump of Cinnamon Dolce Syrup, a pump of Toffee Nut Syrup, and whip creme blended. Then top it with whipped creme and Cinnamon Dolce Sprinkles. 

Chocolate Covered Banana Frappuccino: Vanilla Bean Frappuccino, line the cup with mocha drizzle, add a banana and java chips, and top with whipped creme and mocha drizzle.

Candy Cane Frappuccino: Vanilla Bean Frappuccino, add peppermint syrup. 

Sour Apple Caramel Frappuccino: Pour Apple Juice to the bottom line of the Cup, ass matcha powder, add classic syrup, add ice and blend, top with whipped creme and caramel drizzle. 

***Cookie Dough Frappuccino: Chai Creme Frappuccino, Cinnamon Dolce Syrup, Java Chips, blend with whipped creme, top with chocolate whipped creme and mocha drizzle. 

Willy Wonka Frappuccino:  Double Chocolate Chip Frappuccino, add extra Java Chips, add extra Mocha Syrup, add hazelnut syrup, top with regular or mocha whipped creme and mocha drizzle. 

Cake Batter Frappuccino: Vanilla Bean Frappuccino, add Almond Syrup. 

Pink Starburst Frappuccino: Pour lemonade to the bottom line, add creme base, add Raspberry Syrup,  add Vanilla Syrup, add ice and blend.

Lemon Cake Frappuccino: Pour half lemonade-half whole milk to the first line, add vanilla bean powder, add creme base, add white mocha syrup, blend.

Bananas Fosters Frapppuccino: Vanilla Bean Frapuccino, add a banana, add Caramel Syrup, line the cup with Caramel Drizzle, top with whipped creme and Caramel Drizzle. 

Coffee Cake Frappuccino: Coffee Frappuccino, add Cinnamon Dolce Syrup, add Toffee Nut Syrup, add Vanilla Syrup (Optional) top wit whipped creme and Cinnamon Dolce topping.

***Zebra Frappuccino: Mocha Frappuccino, add White Chocolate, add Java Chips, top with whipper creme and Mocha and White Mocha Drizzle. 

Captain Crunch Frappuccino: Strawberries and Creme Frappuccino, add caramel syrup, add toffee nut syrup, add hazelnut syrup, add java chips. 

***Cookies and Creme Frappuccino: Double Chocolate Chip Frappuccino, blend with White Mocha Sauce, top with regular or chocolate whipped creme.

Thin Mint Frappuccino: Tazo Green Tea Frappuccino, add Java Chips, add Mocha Syrup, add peppermint syrup.

Nutella Frappuccino: Regular Coffee Frappuccino, add Mocha Syrup, add Hazelnut Syrup, whipped creme blended in, topped with whipped creme and caramel drizzle if wanted. 

Cinnamon Toast Crunch Frappuccino: White Mocha Frappuccino, add Cinnamon Dolce Syrup, add Hazelnut Syrup, Cinnamon sugar blended in, top with whipped creme and cinnamon sugar.

Go on down to your Starbucks and try some of the Secret Starbucks Menu Drinks!
