Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Recipe: Egg, Avocado, and Oatmeal Toast.


It's SUMMER! Everybody let's loose and slacks on everything but, you don't have to slack on your eating choices. I'm not saying that you can't eat at a BBQ or have some birthday cake! I'm saying that you can still live a healthy lifestyle and splurge a bit. As many of you know, I am a huge fan of Pinterest! I found this recipe on Pinterest and I decided to give it a try! here is my new favorite HEALTHY but DELICIOUS breakfast!

What You Need:

-Whole Grain Toast or Oatmeal Toast
-An Avocado

How to Make:
-Toast a piece of toast in the toaster or toaster oven
-Fry an Egg in a skillet on Medium-High Heat
-Cut open the avocado take out the whole thing.
-Start Layering in this order...
     -Small amount of butter
     -Either Smashed avocado or cut avocado
     -Fried Egg
     -Sprinkle of Pepper


This breakfast is incredible and it fills you up fast with just one piece of toast! Its really good for portion and calorie control! Try it :)


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