Monday, August 12, 2013

The Nail Doctor: What Your Nails Are Telling You!


Okay what girl does not love to get her nails done!? most importantly what person does not love to have healthy nails in general. Sadly, we live in a world where every inch of us is judge. Many business workers and people in jobs are supposed to be clean and "rich" looking all over. One of the most important parts of the body that is expected to look clean and professional is the nails. You use your hands every day! It's very important to have healthy and beautiful nails for every day life. Our nails become distressed and our hands become dry; They tend to crack and nails become thin. What does this all mean?! Here are some indicators of what your nails are telling you!

Wasting away of Nails; Nail loses luster and becomes smaller, Injury or disease

Thickened Nail Plate: Poor circulation; fungal infection; heredity; mild, persistent trauma to the nail 

Pitted Nails sometimes yellow-to=brown: Eczema or psoriasis; hair loss condition 

Very soft Nails: Contact with strong alkali; malnutrition; endocrine problems; chronic arthritis 

Spoon shaped Nails: Iron deficiency; thyroid disease 

Clublike Nails - swollen finger ends: Chronic respiratory or heart problems; cirrhosis of the liver 

Horizontal ridges: Injury; infection; nutrition 

Longitudinal ridges: Aging, poor absorption of vitamins and minerals; thyroid disease; kidney failure 

Colorless: May indicate anemia. 

Red or deep pink: Can indicate a tendency to poor peripheral circulation. 

Yellow: Could indicate fungus, diabetes, psoriasis, use of tetracycline, or heredity. 

White, crumbly, soft: May be a result of a fungus infection 

No Moons: Possible underactive thyroid; genetics 

Overlarge Moons: Possible Overactive thyroid; genetics; self-induced trauma (habit tick) 

Complete loss of Nail: Trauma 

Nail Plate Loose: Injury; nail psoriasis; fungal or bacterial infections; medicines; chemotherapy; thyroid disease; Raynaud’s phenomenon; lupus 

Brittle, split Nails: Nail dryness, nails in contact with irritating substances (detergents, chemicals, polish remover); silica deficiency 

Pale, brittle nails, spoon-shaped or with ridges down the length - can signify anemia; this lack of iron can be due to inadequate nutrition 

Thick, distorted fingernails can signify a fungal condition: If you have a fungal infection distorted fingernails could also be due to arterial sclerosis, so see your health care conditioner to rule that out. 

Clubbed fingernails can signify a problem with your blood flow. See your health care practitioner. 

White spots on your nails - is often due to a vitamin or mineral deficiency. 

Brittle and lifting easily from your nail beds, along with dry skin, always feeling cold and hair falling out - could indicate a problem with your thyroid gland; 

Excessively flexible nails, may signify deficiency of calcium and sometimes protein. 

Infected Nails: RED, TENDER, SWOLLEN, PUS: Bacterial or yeast infection 

Whitish hue at base of fingernails, may signify liver trouble. If it's a matter of cleansing your liver, taking milk thistle (silymarin) capsules, available at your health food store; 

Splinters that don't hurt - could be subacute bacterial endocarditis, a very serious condition. See your health care practitioner immediately! 

Purple or black: Usually due to trauma, or may also be a sign of vitamin B12 deficiency. 

Bluish nails - probably means you aren't getting enough oxygen; combined with a cough and shortness of breath means heart failure or chronic lung trouble and you should see you health care practitioner; 
A Brown or Black streak:, that begins at the base of the nail and extends to its tip could be a diagnostic clue to a potentially dangerous melanoma. See your healthcare provider.

Take care of your nails because they really are important to you and your health. :)


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