Monday, August 26, 2013

Things I'm currently obsessed with!


I just finished my first week of junior year! yay! I hope you all had a great week. I'm so excited to be writing about the things I am finding myself really obsessed with right now. Everything below is products that I currently use and I recommend to all of you! 

                                                                Redken Color Extend:

This is the new shampoo I have been using lately and I am loving this stuff! Every hair dresser I have talked to has told me that this stuff is liquid gold! It does a really good job on protecting your color and making your hair really soft :) major bonus for me! 

Kraft Mac and Cheese:
Mac and Cheese is my favorite food of all time! I literally could eat one box a day! 
This product is pretty self explanatory!

Almay Clear Complexion Blemish Heal Technology Concealer. 
This is the new concealer that I have been using and wow this stuff is the real deal!
I always had a hard time finding a concealer that matched my skin color and this was spot on!
I use it on all of my problem spots and it hides your blemishes while also making them go away!
Sometimes I will wear this overnight :p

Mason Jars:
You can use mason jars for anything! I'm not joking! I have a ton of these things all over my room!
I use them to store my coin collection and also hold my life savers mints! 
They are so decorative and you can purchase them at grocery stores!
Check out my Pinterest for some fun crafts to do with mason jars!

Razor Back Tank Tops:
I have an under armour tank that I love to wear! They are so comfortable and easy to workout in!
I like to pair them with yoga pants or just plain sweats!
It's an Easy and comfortable look!
Nike and Under Armour is where I get mine!

Tiffany Blue Nike Free 3.0 V4:
I WANT THESE SO BAD! I will actually be purchasing them very soon and I can't wait!
The color is so pretty and based off Tiffany and Co.
These are really rare to find so I hope I can snag a pair in my size!

Word Swag App:
I use this app to add awesome typography to my pictures that I post on instagram! 
It gets really addicting so be careful!

I drink easily 10 glasses of water a day! The only other drink I will consume is milk and gatorade. 
I feel so much better and more energized when I have drank a whole lot of water.
It's a necessity to drink a lot of water for me.


I literally spend all of my time on this website if I'm not at school, doing homework or spending time with my boyfriend. I get so so many ideas for everything on this website!
I can't wait to try some of the crafts I have found on this site!

Body Pillow:
I purchased a body pillow a few days ago and I do not regret it! Its perfect propping yourself up on your bed to read a book or surf the internet. It's also good for back support and hip support!

DUH! I don't even have to explain this one! 

I'll stop here! Thanks for reading! 


Monday, August 19, 2013

Motivation Station: Today's Equipment? Pinterest!


I just started school this week and wow I am swamped! Four advanced classes and 3 of them are college courses! I promise that even tough I have a touch schedule, I will have time to post for you all. 

Today's topic is under my new chapter called "Motivation Station". Im really excited for my new chapter because I will be able to show you easy motivation and how to have fun while trying to get back in your workout groove! No more boring workouts and silly routines. Here is how you can get fired up about shaping the new you or just spicing things up a bit. 

Recently I have a new addiction to Pinterest! OMG IT'S AMAZING! This will be our "equipment" for the day! 

Here is what you can do:

  • -If you don't have Pinterest, GET IT NOW! YOU ARE MISSING OUT!
  • -Start a "Board" and title it whatever your want. For instance mine is "Fitness". 
  • -Starting surfing! Find things that speak to you! There are tons of workouts and activities that you can do. When you find something you like, PIN IT!
  • -After you have created a "Board" of about 15 or more pins, here is when you start "spicing things up".
  • -Start going in whatever order you want (top to bottom, bottom to top etc..) and do that workout you have posted. Each day you will have a new pin to do which will keep you more engaged into your workout. I think of it like a "flash challenge" each day is different so how could you get bored?! The key to not getting bored of a workout is MIXING IT UP! Try new things! Engage new parts of your body and push it! 

If you aren't the Pinterest type person try these!:

  • - One pound of fat is 3,500 calories. If you want to loose weight, just burn 500 calories a day more than you eat and you will loose 1 pound a week. FITNESS IS SCIENCE, NOT MAGIC! 

  • - Put a dollar in a jar for every time you complete a workout when you reach a certain goal, say 100 dollars, treat yourself to a massage or a new pair of jeans!

  • - Wear neon colors while working out. Studies have shown that when wearing bright colors during a workout, your body increases adrenaline! 

  • - Think of your workouts as meetings you have scheduled with yourself. Bosses don't cancel. 

  • - Think from new perspective. A one hour workout is just 4% percent of your day. 

  • - Take sticky notes and write motivational saying on them and stick them on the treadmill or at your desk so you can see them everyday.

These are just a few of many types of motivational techniques that you can use today! Get on that computer, get to that Pinterest and START GETTING YOUR MOTIVATION ON!

Have a great day:)


(Follow me on my Pinterest, Karissa Stockham)

Monday, August 12, 2013

The Nail Doctor: What Your Nails Are Telling You!


Okay what girl does not love to get her nails done!? most importantly what person does not love to have healthy nails in general. Sadly, we live in a world where every inch of us is judge. Many business workers and people in jobs are supposed to be clean and "rich" looking all over. One of the most important parts of the body that is expected to look clean and professional is the nails. You use your hands every day! It's very important to have healthy and beautiful nails for every day life. Our nails become distressed and our hands become dry; They tend to crack and nails become thin. What does this all mean?! Here are some indicators of what your nails are telling you!

Wasting away of Nails; Nail loses luster and becomes smaller, Injury or disease

Thickened Nail Plate: Poor circulation; fungal infection; heredity; mild, persistent trauma to the nail 

Pitted Nails sometimes yellow-to=brown: Eczema or psoriasis; hair loss condition 

Very soft Nails: Contact with strong alkali; malnutrition; endocrine problems; chronic arthritis 

Spoon shaped Nails: Iron deficiency; thyroid disease 

Clublike Nails - swollen finger ends: Chronic respiratory or heart problems; cirrhosis of the liver 

Horizontal ridges: Injury; infection; nutrition 

Longitudinal ridges: Aging, poor absorption of vitamins and minerals; thyroid disease; kidney failure 

Colorless: May indicate anemia. 

Red or deep pink: Can indicate a tendency to poor peripheral circulation. 

Yellow: Could indicate fungus, diabetes, psoriasis, use of tetracycline, or heredity. 

White, crumbly, soft: May be a result of a fungus infection 

No Moons: Possible underactive thyroid; genetics 

Overlarge Moons: Possible Overactive thyroid; genetics; self-induced trauma (habit tick) 

Complete loss of Nail: Trauma 

Nail Plate Loose: Injury; nail psoriasis; fungal or bacterial infections; medicines; chemotherapy; thyroid disease; Raynaud’s phenomenon; lupus 

Brittle, split Nails: Nail dryness, nails in contact with irritating substances (detergents, chemicals, polish remover); silica deficiency 

Pale, brittle nails, spoon-shaped or with ridges down the length - can signify anemia; this lack of iron can be due to inadequate nutrition 

Thick, distorted fingernails can signify a fungal condition: If you have a fungal infection distorted fingernails could also be due to arterial sclerosis, so see your health care conditioner to rule that out. 

Clubbed fingernails can signify a problem with your blood flow. See your health care practitioner. 

White spots on your nails - is often due to a vitamin or mineral deficiency. 

Brittle and lifting easily from your nail beds, along with dry skin, always feeling cold and hair falling out - could indicate a problem with your thyroid gland; 

Excessively flexible nails, may signify deficiency of calcium and sometimes protein. 

Infected Nails: RED, TENDER, SWOLLEN, PUS: Bacterial or yeast infection 

Whitish hue at base of fingernails, may signify liver trouble. If it's a matter of cleansing your liver, taking milk thistle (silymarin) capsules, available at your health food store; 

Splinters that don't hurt - could be subacute bacterial endocarditis, a very serious condition. See your health care practitioner immediately! 

Purple or black: Usually due to trauma, or may also be a sign of vitamin B12 deficiency. 

Bluish nails - probably means you aren't getting enough oxygen; combined with a cough and shortness of breath means heart failure or chronic lung trouble and you should see you health care practitioner; 
A Brown or Black streak:, that begins at the base of the nail and extends to its tip could be a diagnostic clue to a potentially dangerous melanoma. See your healthcare provider.

Take care of your nails because they really are important to you and your health. :)


Monday, August 5, 2013

Health: Earl Grey Tea


Recently my mother has become obsessed with Earl Grey Tea. I decided to try it this morning and WOW IT'S DELICIOUS! I knew that tea was very good for our health so I became curious as to what the health benefits of this special tea was:) Here we go! 

Let's start with a little history lesson...shall we
Where did Earl Grey come from? The story goes like this: Earl Grey, former Prime Minister, sent a diplomatic mission to China. One of his envoys saved the life of a Chinese Mandarin. As a thank-you, the Mandarin sent a special tea to Earl Grey, a blend of citrus flavors that made the Prime Minister very very happy. The blend soon became popular in Britain!

The benefits of Earl Grey go beyond the taste. The tea also has medicinal properties that make it a favorite among many.

Earl Grey tea has proven to have many health benefits. Below is some of the benefits that I have found!
Antioxidant. Black tea is a natural and powerful antioxidant, one that has been used for centuries to help promote good health. One cup per day fights off free radicals in the body, which then help stave off things like infection or cancer.
Anti-DepressantFeeling down? Bergamot is often used to treat depression, and it is a key ingredient of Earl Grey tea. In addition, the warmth of the tea can be soothing, so you get a double-whammy of depression-fighting goodness with every sip.
Fever Reducer. The power of bergamot is also proven to reduce fever, as well as help with things like stomach upset and the flu. Having a cup of this tea when you are feeling under the weather can help.
Relaxant. Sometimes the simple act of drinking tea can be relaxing. Fortunately, the caffeine content of Earl Grey is minimal, so it won't keep you up or make you feel jittery. Some types of Earl Grey have lavender added, and that is known to promote relaxation and serenity.
Disinfectant. Bergamot oil is a natural disinfectant, one that can help fight mild infections. This is especially true if you have some sort of infection in your mouth or throat.
Oral Health Improvement. The antiseptic properties in Earl Grey tea can help freshen your breath and keep your gums healthy. Though drinks from black tea leaves can sometimes stain your teeth, taking good care to brush thoroughly after drinking it can help eliminate that side effect.
Healthy Coffee Alternative. Those who love their coffee but don't like the thought of what that coffee might do to their body can find Earl Grey as a healthy alternative. It's all-natural, and better yet, it has about half the caffeine as a regular cup of coffee. So you get the jolt without the jitters.
Digestive Aid. Earl Grey tea has long been believed to improve digestion. In fact, it has been used often as a way to relieve indigestion, nausea and colic. If you have any intestinal problems, Earl Grey might help. It can even fight urinary tract infections.

I will definitely will be drinking more of this tea now! It's super delicious and I can't get enough of it! I drink it with my Keurig! 

Have a Great Day and drink your tea! ;)
