Wednesday, July 30, 2014



I LOVE GROCERY SHOPPING! I get to pick out yummy food that I get to stuff my face with all week:) I made breakfast yesterday and I have to admit, it turned out WAY better than I thought it would! Heres the recipe...

What you need...
-Organic Honey Oats Cereal
-Organic Vanilla Almond Milk
-Fresh, cut strawberries
-Organic Cut Bananas
-Bowl...(Kinda Obvious)

How to make...
-Start making your cereal by starting with the Organic Honey Oats and then Pouring Desired Milk into bowl. 
-Cut up desired amount of Strawberries and Bananas and layer on top.

THATS IT! You get a sugary taste from the fruit and Vanilla Almond milk! No more frosted flakes for this girl! Try it!


Saturday, July 19, 2014

My Starbucks Favorites!


MMMMMM I will never turn down Starbucks! Many of my friends make fun of me for having the "Starbucks App" on my phone! I have done many Starbucks Drink reviews and they have become my  most popular posts! I thought I would jot down some of my favorite drinks that you might be able to try!

1. Venti Iced Passion Tea Lemonade SWEETENED! 
     -This is my ultimate Summer drink! In fact, I'm drinking it right now! It's a very wallet friendly drink with a Venti costing about $3.50. My favorite thing about this drink is the color! Its a pretty shade of Pink and I feel pretty when I drink it! I'm crazy!

2. Venti Iced White Chocolate Mocha with 2 pumps of Sugar Free Caramel Syrup.
     -If you are looking for a drink that's healthy and affordable then this is NOT THE ONE! This drink ranks high on the price chart with totaling around $8.00! This is my special occasion drink! Don't be fooled by the Sugar Free Caramel Syrup, A venti iced white chocolate mocha has a whooping 6 pumps of regular white chocolate syrup! This brings the total calorie count to around 600! YIKES! Good thing it's just a special occasion drink! I love how well this drink blends together with the ice!

3. Tall Soy Cafe Misto 
     -This is a new item on my menu! I started getting this drink with Soy milk to cut down on my dairy intake plus it's fun to say SOY! With hot drinks I can barely make it through a tall with the coffee still hot so a tall is plenty for me! It's half milk and half coffee!

4. Grande Blonde Misto with 6 Pumps of Sugar Free Vanilla.
     -My Aunt introduced this drink to me when I was visiting her a few weeks ago. I feel this has more flavor than a regular misto and I'm all for bursts of flavor! I was able to finished this in a tall so I bumped up to a Grande :) I'm moving up in the world!

This are my favorite drinks! Try them if you haven't, but if you have keep on enjoying them!


Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Recipe: Egg, Avocado, and Oatmeal Toast.


It's SUMMER! Everybody let's loose and slacks on everything but, you don't have to slack on your eating choices. I'm not saying that you can't eat at a BBQ or have some birthday cake! I'm saying that you can still live a healthy lifestyle and splurge a bit. As many of you know, I am a huge fan of Pinterest! I found this recipe on Pinterest and I decided to give it a try! here is my new favorite HEALTHY but DELICIOUS breakfast!

What You Need:

-Whole Grain Toast or Oatmeal Toast
-An Avocado

How to Make:
-Toast a piece of toast in the toaster or toaster oven
-Fry an Egg in a skillet on Medium-High Heat
-Cut open the avocado take out the whole thing.
-Start Layering in this order...
     -Small amount of butter
     -Either Smashed avocado or cut avocado
     -Fried Egg
     -Sprinkle of Pepper


This breakfast is incredible and it fills you up fast with just one piece of toast! Its really good for portion and calorie control! Try it :)
